Initiated in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, IMMEMORY is a long-term archival project aiming to facilitate sharing of creative and thoughtful responses to the changing pandemic crisis from around the world.
“Immemory”, in the sense that the pandemic produces many artifacts quickly forgotten, narratives rapidly changed, and perceptions constantly shifting. As Winston Churchill remarked in the aftermath of WWII, “never let a good crisis go to waste”. While the pandemic is profoundly shaking up the world, this exhibition is dedicated to bringing perspectives to issues revealed by the current crisis and documenting what it means to live through this unprecedented moment, through a creative angle.
Ultimately, in these troubled times, we want to use this exhibition to foster a better understanding of the experiences of others, to transcend individual differences and cultivate a sense of empathy, and to raise awareness of shared values rooted in our humanity.
Click here to submit to the archive your writings and creations about the COVID-19 crisis.