Seeking Refuge
Words by Andy King
October 14, 2020
My paintings explore the dreadful feelings of COVID, quarantine, the lack of physical touch, and the spread of both the disease and ideology. The emaciated and forlorn forms are physically rooted in barren landscapes. They cannot move. They have no arms to help themselves. They exist apart from each other in solitary pain without the ability to touch or communicate. Yet still in some a red dot forms and spreads as flames between figures leaving embers behind. The paintings are all a mixture of thick gesso sprayed with powdered charcoal. This is then covered with layers of oil washes and impasto.
Admittedly, it is not the most uplifting work, but it is a fairly accurate expression of how I have felt and thought about the last 6+ months. I hope that you enjoy it or at least find it provoking on some level.
About The Artist
Andy King is an educator, a painter, a drawer, a woodworker, a draftsman, and a graphic designer. But at the heart of it all he is a teacher and artist who lives in Nashville, TN. Being an art teacher allows him to constantly expand his artistic horizons and dabble in new processes and techniques. Because in order to teach something effectively, you have to be able to do it effectively. Often, these experiments lead to a finished artwork. Sometimes, they lead into a fully developed series of paintings or drawings.