Sorry, We’re OPEN
April 2020
Sorry, We’re OPEN references the struggle of numerous essential employees & the lack of compensation they receive for being in high-risk positions. 
The pandemic has revealed many flaws in our economic system. 
Socio-economic circumstances exposed how many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and are not being paid a living wage. Class gaps were widened as lower-income families were left with no choice but to risk their health and that of their loved ones to enable them to pay bills and feed their families. 
Many large corporations were deemed essential while small businesses and low-income workers were left vulnerable to exploitation due to their economic status. 
Those that were left on the “essential” frontline of customer service were often not met with patience and gratitude for their sacrifice. Smaller companies were left to adapt to slowed or completely halted manufacturing as drastic cuts in staff were made in compliance with the state legislature. Many fail to consider that the cut back on manufacturing has caused longer lead times on merchandise across the board. Working in customer service for a supply company has shed light on how socio-economic privilege correlates to the lack of understanding of what many essential workers have been dealing with.

Sorry, We’re OPEN, Jackie Fischer. Fiber. Approximately 56 x42”. Sheffield, MA, United States, April 2020.